Albury Public School

Labor, Omnia, Vincit - Work conquers all

Telephone02 6021 3849

Bell times

Bell times

Every day matters for your child’s learning. You must contact the school if your child is absent, late or has to leave early. If you have trouble getting your child to school, please contact us - we're here to help.

The Department of Education has more details and resources to help with student attendance.

Children should not arrive in the playground prior to 8:30am when supervision of the playground commences.

8:30am Supervision commences
9:00am School commences
11:00am-11:15am Lunch eating time
11:15am - 11:43am Lunch playtime
11:43am-11:45am Lunch pack up time, end of lunch
1:10pm-1:37pm Afternoon recess break
1:37pm - 1.40pm Pack up recess time
2:55pm Early bus bell
3:00pm School ends